Psi ball

Posted by Lilbro

Hmm,because a lot of request,i would translate my posts into indonesia language :)

Psi ball

Apa yah,,psiball ntu sejenis bola aura, bola energi tepatnya. Manusia menggunakan dan memfokuskan energinya dan membentuknya menjadi sebuah bola yang bisa digunakan untuk bwanyak kegunaan. Awright,langsung aja iah..


Kamu bisa memulai dengan membayangkan energimu berpusat ke bumi seperti akar,dan energi bumi mengalir ke dalam dirimu. Ketahuilah energi psi. Psi adalah sebuah energi dan dapat dirasakan,tapi untuk sekarang,cukup tahu aja kalo energi psi ada pada dirimu dan mengalir pada tubuhmu setiap saat.

Method One: sourced from

Belajarlah untuk menggerakan psi. Ini sangat sangat mudah kalau kamu udah bisa.

Psi ball terbuat dari energi psi yang bergerak dalam bentuk bola kecil. Sebagai perbandingan, psi ball standar ukurannya sedikit lebih besar dari bola baseball,tapi lebih kecil daripada softball. Tetapi,bola tersebut dapat diperbesar sesuai keinginan,seperti misalnya bola energi yang besar untuk dijadikan pelindung.

Posisikan tanganmu. Terserah kamu,pilih aja mana yang paling nyaman. Kamu bisa menggunakan satu atau dua tangan, horizontal atau vertikal. Pastikan untuk tidak memposisikan tangan dalam keadaan yang melelahkan akibat tekanan. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa sedikit lebih susah untuk merasakan energi psi jika jari-jemari saling bersentuhan.

*Kalo gw sih,saat pertama belajar psi,cuma duduk sila dan tangan di atas lutut*

Rasakan energi psi mu mengalir. Bayangkan energi psi berbentuk bola pada cakra solarplexus mu--

*Cakra solar plexus berada diatas pusar*

Letakkan tanganmu pada perutmu dan jarimu menyentuh bagian atas perutmu. Inilah area yang akan kamu gunakan. Ada banyak bayangan seperti apa energi psi itu,seperti air,
api,cahaya,Pilihlah salah satu yang menurutmu cocok. Bayangkan psi itu di cakra solar plexus,dan rasakan energi psi pada solar plexus ketika membayangkan itu. Ada cakra besar yang terletak disana.

Gerakkan psi tersebut. Bayangkan psi tersebut lambat laun naik ke jidatmu,kemudian turun ke lenganmu,hingga ke kakimu. Coba terus rasakan psi. Lakukan hal ini terus-menerus sampai kamu benar-benar bisa merasakan energi psi.

*Kuncinya cuma bayangkan.Bayangkan.Bayangkan.Visualisasi.Niat*

Bentuk tanganmu seperti kerang,saling mengatup--Tangan kanan membentuk huruf 'n' dan tangan kiri membentuk huruf 'u'. Dorong psi dari solar plexus. Alirkan ke tanganmu dan bentuklah bola kecil.

Program lah bola tersebut dan isi bola nya. Artinya , memproyek keinginanmu ke dalam psiball dan mengontrol kebiasaannya. Program basicnya adalah menyimpan psi dan menjaganya dalam satu tempat.Dan setelah terisi bola tersebut dengan energi solar plexus mu, energi psi ball mu telah siap.

*Program disini maksudnya niatkan..*

Gerakkan psi ball mu. Gerakkan seperti kamu menggerakkan psi dari solar plexusmu. Kali ini tidak bergerak dalam tubuhmu. Berlatihlah , dan teruslah bereksperimen. Ada banyak cara membuat psi ball dengan cara lainnya.Pada dasarnya prinsipnya sama, menggerakkan psi ke dalam psi ball.

Cobalah dengan 'pengkompresan'. Buat psi ball sebesar bola kaki,kemudian padatkan menjadi bola baseball. Banyak pemula mendapatkan hasil yang baik pada Pengkompresan.

NB: Kalo ada yang ga ngerti tanya aja yah di forsup..

Psi ball

Posted by Lilbro

Allright, at the last post, i babble about things like techniques from kinesis abilities. In order to do it, we should learn about psi ball first.
Okay,i got three methods to learn it. Have a read,readers, or.. kaskusers >,<


Ground and center. You could start by visualizing your energy extending down into the Earth like the roots of a tree, connecting with its energy. There are other methods. This exercise is intended to balance you.
Recognize the flow of psi. Psi is energy and can be sensed, but for now it's enough to know that energy exists within you and flows through your body all the time.

Method One: sourced from

Learn to move psi. This is simple once you know how, but it can take a while to get the knack. The psi ball is created by moving psi energy into a desired location in the form of a small sphere. For some, the standard psi ball is a little bigger than a baseball, and smaller than a softball. However, they can be made quite large - to fit around the body in the case of a shield, or even bigger than that.

Position your hands. You can use one hand or two, you can hold them vertically or horizontally. Just do what feels right. Make sure you don't get your hands in a position so that it makes you tired and makes you get all shaky because of strain. Some people find it a bit harder to feel the psi if the fingers are touching.

Feel the psi flowing. Visualize psi in your solar plexus. The solar plexus is the point where your lower ribs meet in the middle; place your hand on your stomach and your pinky touching the top of your belly button. This is the area you are going to want to use. There are many impressions of what psi looks like, such as water, fire, light... Choose the one that seems right to you. Imagine it in your sternum moving around slowly, and attempt to feel your solar plexus while visualizing this. There is a major chakra located here.

Move the psi. Visualize it slowly moving up, going up your chest and over to your shoulders. Try to feel it while doing so. Have it go down to your arms, and to your hands, have it pool there for a little. Bring it back up, and then back to your sternum. Do this a few times, until you start to get the hang of it.

Make a shell. Pull psi from your solar plexus. When you get to your hands, instead of letting it pool, have it flow out of your palms and shape into a hollow sphere. This sphere is what you are going to use as a shell.

Program the ball and fill it in. This means projecting your intentions into the psiball, to control its behaviour. Basic programming should be to maintain the psi on the inside, and to keep it in one location instead of having if fly every which direction. After you have successfully created a shell, you will want to fill it in; allow the psi to flow into the shell. Your psi ball is ready.

Move your psi ball. Move it just like you moved the psi from your solar plexus. This time it won't be in your body, though. This can take practise; you will get better.
Experiment with other methods. There are many ways to make psi balls, some people have much better success with doing it a certain way. The principles of it are the same; locate your "energy" source, move the psi, then put the psi into an area and use what "energy" you have to create the psi ball.

Experiment with compression. Create the psiball the size of a beach ball, then when you feel you're ready compress it down into a smaller, denser ball. A lot of people seem to have good results with this.

Method Two- I think this one could be same with telephaty

Gather your energy. This could be from your own body or from another source. You could visualize the energy entering and filling every part of your body from the Earth through your feet, or from the sky and the sun through your crown chakra. Some people imagine energy coming into the body on the in-breath and out through the hands on the out-breath.

Hold your hands steady. When you feel like you have enough energy hold out your hands. You can either hold them like you hold a basketball, you can cup them like you are holding a baseball, or you can even hold out one hand. Do whatever feels natural to you.

Picture a hole appearing in your hand. Picture a trapdoor cover opening and letting the energy flow out. Imagine a hose in each of your palms slowly emitting psi. It doesn't have to be very fast, or have very much pressure, it just has to naturally flow. Don't let it out of your hands; the next step will help with this.

At this point you should be able to sense the psi. It could feel like heat, pressure or tingling. When you feel this, move your hands closer together a bit - if there is resistance (even a little) you will know you're sensing it.

Focus the flow. Using visualization, compact the psi into a ball in your hand. You can also make it into a cube, or a triangle, or pretty much anything!

Program the psi ball. This comes easier to some people than others. Have a very clear intention in your mind. Sometimes it may help to say it in words in your head. The point is make sure your message is very clear.

Psi balls can be programmed for pretty much anything. A common use is to get someone's attention - program the ball to "poke" someone, to let someone know you want to speak to them. The ball can travel long distances to give the message.

Release the psi ball. If you programmed it, then it should carry out its programming as soon as you let go. If you made one just for practise, then it should naturally dissipate.

------------------------------copied from wikihow------------------------------------

Then there would be another one, which i think is better methode.

I.Getting started -rules

its important that throughout this little exercise that you try to keep yourself calmed and relaxed , try and keep steady breathing and dont tense up your muscles during any time of the exercise .

steady breathing is basically breathing at a constant pace

-breath in , count to two , breath out , count to two , repeat .

when relaxing , make sure you are laid back . Kind of like how you would be when lying down outside somewhere and just enjoying the calm breeze hit you .be

II. The guide .

1.try to visualize one of the following ( visualization is making an image of something in your mind ) water , fire , electricity , or anything else you can think of . Preferably something you can relate to as energy . try to visualize this element you have chosen inside your body ... Importent: DO NOT fill you body with the element when you visualize , imagine it as it is already inside you , its already their . It help if you try to imagine this energy flowing , EX: water flowing through you instead of staying still , or if you chose lightning have it shock through you . I myself have found lightning worked best when I was first starting

3.continue this process and try to keep the visualization of this energy inside of you flowing for about 30 seconds . try to take more control of how this energy that is flowing , and make all of the visualized energy flow into your dominant hand ( right if right handed , left if left ) . If you don't feel anything prickly in your hand , then
try again with the knowledge that your are trying to trick your body into producing psi , and psi is associated with the nervous system . repeat steps 1-4 until you feel confident in having psi in your hand . Your hand will feel anything like the following . usually just one , maybe two .

-prickly , kind of like when your foot falls asleep
-cold as ever
-like electricity is flowing through your hand

Note that you did not visualize the feeling , it was brought on by your first visualization but you did not try to make yourself feel this in particular... it came on by itself didnt it ?

5.dont lose that energy in your hand now ! try to keep the psi ( yes , this is psi ) in your hand , if it feels like its going out reinforce it by visualizing more of the chosen element energy forming in your stomach ( yes , stomach ) and then have it flow to your hand .

6.this is one of the hardest parts , while juggling to maintain the energy in you dominant hand , you must attempt to repeat steps 1-4 ... but with your non dominant hand . Done correctly you should now feel psi in both of your hands .

7. continue to feed your hands by repeating the visualiztion steps , or visualize the element chosen flowing in your stomach , and slowly bring it up your chest . Cut this energy in half while in you chest ( not the amount , more like a disection ) and send one half to your left hand and then the other to your right hand .

8. the hardest part . You should feel Psi in both your hands now . Place your hands about a foot and a half apart , and slowly bring them together . Palms facing each other , be sure not to lose the psi in your hands while doing this

9.Now another difficult part , when you get to about 5 inches apart from each other while moving the hands together S-L-O-W-L-Y proceed to step 10

( while staying relaxed , you are staying relaxed aren't you ? *someone in audience shamefully raises hand* awww ... back to step 1 with you ! )

10.Now you must attempt to "pour" the psi back and forth , see if you can shift the psi from your left hand to your right hand and vice versa through the 5 inch space .now try to bring psi out of both your and meet in the middle ... focus on controling the psi while its outside of your body and visualize it forming into a ball , or make it form into a ball .



It might help if you visualize a rod in between your hands for transfering psi as this is the hardest part for most people ... bringing psi out of your body ... it may require many tries before you get it right as often times people make the mistake of bringing the just visualization out of their body ... but forget the psi in their hands... in which case you have no psi , just an imaginary ball in your hand ... in which case your a nut...

here is how to check if you have a psi ball .

-you should feel its there , or kind of have an odd feeling that it is there
-the ball will have the same prickly feeling as it did when it was in your hand , you just wont be touching the ball , you will feel the ball being prickly outside of your body ( extremely hard to explain , you will have to try and see for yourself )

-you may move your hand through the psi ball , and it may possibly have a warm feeling to it , as if the air around it is slightly warmer then air not around the ball .

-you can still move the ball around with your mind .

I purposely made a thread entitled "mind excersises" to help with this , search for it and try all of them and then try this again . Mind excersises help indeed .


IV.wrapping up , some footnotes

dont get discouraged if you failed , if you succeded by reading this over and doing it the first time then that is very rare and quite amazing . It just may take a month to get down and as long as you got through step 3 today you are actually in good shape .

you may want to head over to psipogs website and do a search for "charging" in their articles section . charging will definatly help if you had problems such as losing the enregy from your hands or having the psi ball fall apart right after you make it .

A good sign you have progressed is when you become able to not need visualization in order to summon psi . After about 5 months it becomes a part of you . You will be able to lift your hand on your head and think the thought "I want enrgy in this hand" and you will have psi . Psi will become a sixth sense if you give it time , it is not just some cheap parlor trick you can master in a week or two .

--------------------------Copied from unexplained mysteries forum--------------------

Anyone done ? Please tell me if you can do it, and correct me if i wrong~

let's meet again at forsup >,<

Kinesis Ability

Posted by Lilbro

Hey people,this is my first blog. Sorry for my poor english,heheh this is just because i'm still a child,hu?

Ah..that wasn't important..don't read it..

Awwright,i just want to be able to control the energy just like at many of games or cartoons such as final fantasy,avatar, and ragnarok. It was to attack an enemy with the thing that doesnt need physical energy~

That ability called kinesis, just like any psychic,to recreate or release inner power without doing hard motions. Kinetic energy can be described in the simplest of terms as 'energy of movement.'

By increasing or decreasing kinetic energy, a psionicist or psychic can produce a large variation of effects, such as causing items to combust or freeze (Temperature is an average measurement of the kinetic energy of a substance's atoms).

There are numerous types or schools of kinetic powers, which are classed on what energies or how they manipulate these energies. Here follows a list of the more commonly known types and brief descriptions:

Telekinesis (the ability to move objects with thought alone)
Hydrokinesis (the ability to manipulate water)
Cryokinesis (the ability to manipulate temperature)
Pyrokinesis (the ability to manipulate fire)
Geokinesis (the ability to manipulate earth)
Photokinesis (the ability to manipulate light)
Magnokinesis (the ability to manipulate magnetic fields)
Gyrokinesis (the ability to manipulate gravitational fields)
Aerokinesis (the ability to manipulate air)
Combinations of the above (example: hydrokinesis and cryokinesis to manipulate ice)

(Copied from wingmakers)

Anyway i want to learn hydrokinesis,cryokinesis,electrokinesis,chronokinesis,and lunarkinesis.Lunarkinesis,or called dark power-kinesis,is an ability to control dark energy,being a cool movement to do..
Chronokinesis,well,it was the most cool ever-i think-an ability to control the time.
I mean,i would able to move fast or slow just like my wish. Gee, Just like marilyn at anime The Law of Ueki,with her power to change 10 seconds into 1 sec.

I'm really appreciated when i found that site,so i wanna to learn it out.

Electrokinesis is the ability to control and produce electricity.

How To Do Electrokinesis
Put one finger out, like you are pointing at someone. Move Ki to your finger and fill it. Now visualize electricity crackling around your finger. Hear it going 'snap'. After a few week's practice you might start to feel the electricity jumping from place to place. And if you get good enough you will be able to shock people, literally!

Electrokinesis : Tech 1
Alright, this takes a couple of weeks to learn, so don't get frustrated if you can't do it in the first couple of days. To learn electrokinesis, start out but just closing your eyes, and visualizing electricity flowing inside and out of your body, like sparks of energy. See them shocking, actually hear them crackling and popping. Do this for like 10-15 minutes a day. If you can project it out of your hands, you can try to shoot it at your TV or radio, and see if it makes the reception a little messed up, or you could try to shock someone. Do this for a while, then if you want, try to make an Electro-ball.

Electrokinesis Tech 2:
The easiest time to do it is when you're laying in bed before you go to sleep. Close your eyes and visualize the electricity running through the body part of choice. Try to do all these things one after another or mix them.
Visualize it running up say, your hand, in waves of electricity like the kind of waves old TV's get sometimes that go up the screen. Then after that, visualize it sparking and even arcing out of your finger tips and hands. Try to feel the sparks the best you can, sometimes your fingers will just go sort of numb and they will feel wierd if you try to move them. Then open your eyes and do the same thing for a while...eventually you should start seeing very faint pencil thin lines of electricity or round dot size sparks or both.

This is basically a psi ball with electricity from electrokinesis added into it. To start, visualize the electricity flowing through your body. Then, make a normal psi ball, then picture the electricity bolts coming out of your hands and your fingertips, and merging with the psi ball, making little sparks and shocks around and inside the psi ball. Do this for about 5 minutes a day, along with just picturing the electricity flowing inside of you. Just keep practicing, and when you get the electro-ball, you will be able to shock people with it. But be warned, don't use a lot of power with this technique on someone if you know that their power is less than yours and they won't be able to handle it, this technique can really injure someone when used with enough power.

Electro Blast
This technique was made up by my friend Joe. Okay, you need to know Electrokinesis first, and also how to perform a Bikku Bang blast. Now here's the First Part: First, make a Ball of Electricity. Then add some Ki into it. Just practice that for a few days or at least a week until you get good at it. Then after you get good at that, start to compact Electricity and Ki into your arm. After you feel that your arm is compacted with enough Electricity and Ki, blast it out of your hand. Now the object is to try and control the blast if you can. Remember to only use a little bit of Ki and Electricity if your opponent is too week to handle your level of power

Lightning Ball
To start out, just make a normal ki or mana ball and charge it up. Next, start visualizing lightning striking down all around you. Actually hear the crack and sizzle of the lightning bolts. Then, visualize all little lightning bolts striking around your hands and striking into your ki ball and causing electric shocks inside and outside it. It would make it even better if you know how to perform some electrokinesis. You will know by the feeling you get in your hands if you have made this correctly. When it's made, blast away.


Cool,eh? i want to frost an enemy with combination of hydro and cryokinesis then,while they are froze,i'll use jupitel thunder!!--no..maybe electro blast..

Why i'm really curious about this? Hey, my mom also a psychic. She was a general doctor,but so many of her patient attacked by unseeable creature. Also the healing not medically,but by using her power. She also teached me when i was 10 years old. She teached how to heal when i got damaged.

After i would learn electrokinesis,i want to learn hydrokinesis.


The ability to influence the motion of groups of atoms in their liquid state. Unlike pyrokinesis, nothing is created. The talent merely allows the psionic to influence the motion of liquids (but cannot control the motion of the atoms/molecules to heat up or cool down the liquid). Requires line of sight to manipulate an object.

The exercise to learn this technique is very similar to that of regular PK abilities. I am speaking of the old cork in water exercise, only this time we are not trying to move the cork, we are trying to move the water in which it sits. The only purpose of the cork is to indicate movement in the water.

OK, so you may say "isn't this just PK with water?". Well it can be. But if you want it to be true hydrokinesis, you must establish a real connection with water, and not just the physical substance, but the Element itself. If your natural Element is water then you will probably find this easier than most because you already have an advantage. Spend time in meditation and contemplation, thinking of nothing but the properties, associations, and real feel of water. Totally surround and submerge yourself in it if need be. Take it into your being. Become a master of water.

Once you fell you are ready to try true hydrokinesis, do the following:
Take a medium - large bowl and fill it with water. If the bowl is glass this may be easer because you can see all of the water within. Now place a cork or something similar which floats in the bowl and wait for it to settle.
Once it has settled, close your eyes. Sense the water in front of you, feel its energy and merge it with yours. See in your mind's eye the link between you and the liquid. Feel its smoothness, its cool healing properties.
Now try to mimic those feelings within your own energies. You and water are one and the same.
Just as you have control over your own energies, so too do you have control over water.

Open your eyes.
Look at the substence within the bowl. You are a part of it, and it is a part of you. Keeping in mind your connection with it, will the water to move, just as you would with your own energy.
Make it start to swirl in the bowl, always getting stronger, always gaining speed. It is you.
Continue to do this until you feel you have succeded or are in need of rest. Don't over do it on the first few tries.

Have a mental rest, you need it!

Buuh,it just control,not make. Unlike electric-that cell itself produced,water wasnt be able to produced. It's ok,i would be able to prepare a bottle of water to protect myself from danger..Especially in my country that crime rate were high :)

Then,my personality-element. Ice.

Cryokinesis is the ability to control the element of Ice. Before you start, you will most likely want to prepare your body for this. For techniques on preparatory work, go to Ki Evolution. Below are just different techniques that you could try to use Cryokinesis for.

Cultivating Water Energy:
This technique you will need throughout most of cryokinesis, since you will be taking the water elemental energy and forming it to ice. To start, stand in a position you would for ki breathing or grounding. Close your eyes, and picture yourself standing in a peaceful place, surrounded by water, or waterfalls, whatever you want. Now, picture energy flowing from the water, into your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien, and flowing throughout your body. I picture this as a blue form of mana. Keep doing this until you feel that the technique has been completed, and that you have cultivated water energy.

Cultivating Water Energy 2:
This is another way of cultivating water energy, sent to me by my friend Richard. This is an easier way to cultivate water energy. While taking a shower close your eyes and let the water hit your front side of your body. Visualize the water energy coming from it into your Dan Tien or even just your body like it is absorbing it. After a minute or two you will have enough.

Changing Temperature:
This technique is one of the more common you can find on Cryokinesis all over the web. It is using Cryokinesis to change the temperature of a specific area a bit, to make it colder.

To start out, you may want to meditate a bit and clear your mind. Now, find the room, or whatever area you wish to change the temperature of, and you may want to check the thermostat first, and see what the temperature is. Now, stand there comfortably, with your eyes closed. Invision that you are standing in the middle of a blizzard, with snow blowing past you with gusts of frigid wind, ice forming on the ground. You must really get into this. Actually try to feel your body becoming colder. Picture the thermostat that you looked at in the beginning, and picture the temperature on it dropping. You could also picture ice forming around the room, all over everywhere, causing the temperature to drop. Now don't get discouraged, this takes practice. With enough work, you should be able to make the temperature a little colder.

Ice Ball:
This is the other common cryokinesis technique that you will see a lot. Now, there are many ways of doing this, but I will explain one of them. Get into the stance that you use when you normally make a Ki or mana ball, with your knees bent a bit, and hands in the ki ball position, at your side, near your hip. Now, picture water running over your hands and in between your hands, as if you were running them under a faucet. Feel it out, and extract the water elemental energy. Now, picture the water frosting over, try to hear the sounds of the ice crackling as the water freezes. Picture it freezing little by little, and compiling into a ball of ice between your palms. Do this for a few minutes, and see if you feel any cold between your hands. Don't worry, all these techniques take time and practice, so you might not get it on the first day. Just keep working on it. Practice this every day, until you can do it. To test this, you can try throwing the ice ball at a candle or some kind of small flame like that. And again, don't worry if nothing happens the first few times. Just remember, when throwing the ice ball, just like any other energy ball, you must be in complete concentration and focus, so that the ball does not simply disperse into the air.

Ice Blast:
This tech can be done a couple of ways, and here I will describe both that I know of. One way, is to just make a normal ice ball, and then push your hands forward like a normal ki blast, and picture the ice ball flying through the air, being absorbed into your target, and turning the entire thing to ice. Now, this will not actually turn the object into ice. But if done on a person, they may get a shiver, or feel cold. Now, the second way to do this, is a bit different. This way I have thought up myself. Instead of making an ice ball, fill up your fore-arms with the water energy. Now, picture it freezing just like the ice ball technique, and then shoot your hands forward, picturing a large icicle being launched out of your hands at your foe.

Tsurara Tate:
"Icicle Shield". This is a technique that I devised myself. To start out, stand in a wide stance, and be in concentration on the elemental energy of water, and draw it into your body. Keep picturing it filling up your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien. When you think you have enough, then tense up your muscles. Become completely focussed, and picture the water element exploding out of you, and freezing mid-way through the air, forming a dome of ice around your body. Picture more water energy being added to it, the dome becoming larger and more powerful, and freezing more. Keep picturing this happening, and also picture the water energy inside you, powering you up internally, like an internal ki flame. Practice this, and remember not to over do it.

Kori Hari:
"Ice Needles". This techinque I also devised myself. Now, this is similar to the Ice blast technique, using the icicle. But, it is a bit harder and could take more practice. Now, to start out, draw in the water energy, and pack it into your arms. Picture it freezing like in the ki ball technique, but staying inside your arms. Now, tense up your arms and shoot them forward as if for a blast, but this time, use your ishi(will power) to have the ice energy come out of your palms and fingertips in the form of little needles of ice, which you should focus on pelting your opponent with.

Cool!!! Its really cool !!

Uh, i must start learn it from now ! Humph ! I'll meditate,so,enough for today :)