Psi ball

Posted by Lilbro

Allright, at the last post, i babble about things like techniques from kinesis abilities. In order to do it, we should learn about psi ball first.
Okay,i got three methods to learn it. Have a read,readers, or.. kaskusers >,<


Ground and center. You could start by visualizing your energy extending down into the Earth like the roots of a tree, connecting with its energy. There are other methods. This exercise is intended to balance you.
Recognize the flow of psi. Psi is energy and can be sensed, but for now it's enough to know that energy exists within you and flows through your body all the time.

Method One: sourced from

Learn to move psi. This is simple once you know how, but it can take a while to get the knack. The psi ball is created by moving psi energy into a desired location in the form of a small sphere. For some, the standard psi ball is a little bigger than a baseball, and smaller than a softball. However, they can be made quite large - to fit around the body in the case of a shield, or even bigger than that.

Position your hands. You can use one hand or two, you can hold them vertically or horizontally. Just do what feels right. Make sure you don't get your hands in a position so that it makes you tired and makes you get all shaky because of strain. Some people find it a bit harder to feel the psi if the fingers are touching.

Feel the psi flowing. Visualize psi in your solar plexus. The solar plexus is the point where your lower ribs meet in the middle; place your hand on your stomach and your pinky touching the top of your belly button. This is the area you are going to want to use. There are many impressions of what psi looks like, such as water, fire, light... Choose the one that seems right to you. Imagine it in your sternum moving around slowly, and attempt to feel your solar plexus while visualizing this. There is a major chakra located here.

Move the psi. Visualize it slowly moving up, going up your chest and over to your shoulders. Try to feel it while doing so. Have it go down to your arms, and to your hands, have it pool there for a little. Bring it back up, and then back to your sternum. Do this a few times, until you start to get the hang of it.

Make a shell. Pull psi from your solar plexus. When you get to your hands, instead of letting it pool, have it flow out of your palms and shape into a hollow sphere. This sphere is what you are going to use as a shell.

Program the ball and fill it in. This means projecting your intentions into the psiball, to control its behaviour. Basic programming should be to maintain the psi on the inside, and to keep it in one location instead of having if fly every which direction. After you have successfully created a shell, you will want to fill it in; allow the psi to flow into the shell. Your psi ball is ready.

Move your psi ball. Move it just like you moved the psi from your solar plexus. This time it won't be in your body, though. This can take practise; you will get better.
Experiment with other methods. There are many ways to make psi balls, some people have much better success with doing it a certain way. The principles of it are the same; locate your "energy" source, move the psi, then put the psi into an area and use what "energy" you have to create the psi ball.

Experiment with compression. Create the psiball the size of a beach ball, then when you feel you're ready compress it down into a smaller, denser ball. A lot of people seem to have good results with this.

Method Two- I think this one could be same with telephaty

Gather your energy. This could be from your own body or from another source. You could visualize the energy entering and filling every part of your body from the Earth through your feet, or from the sky and the sun through your crown chakra. Some people imagine energy coming into the body on the in-breath and out through the hands on the out-breath.

Hold your hands steady. When you feel like you have enough energy hold out your hands. You can either hold them like you hold a basketball, you can cup them like you are holding a baseball, or you can even hold out one hand. Do whatever feels natural to you.

Picture a hole appearing in your hand. Picture a trapdoor cover opening and letting the energy flow out. Imagine a hose in each of your palms slowly emitting psi. It doesn't have to be very fast, or have very much pressure, it just has to naturally flow. Don't let it out of your hands; the next step will help with this.

At this point you should be able to sense the psi. It could feel like heat, pressure or tingling. When you feel this, move your hands closer together a bit - if there is resistance (even a little) you will know you're sensing it.

Focus the flow. Using visualization, compact the psi into a ball in your hand. You can also make it into a cube, or a triangle, or pretty much anything!

Program the psi ball. This comes easier to some people than others. Have a very clear intention in your mind. Sometimes it may help to say it in words in your head. The point is make sure your message is very clear.

Psi balls can be programmed for pretty much anything. A common use is to get someone's attention - program the ball to "poke" someone, to let someone know you want to speak to them. The ball can travel long distances to give the message.

Release the psi ball. If you programmed it, then it should carry out its programming as soon as you let go. If you made one just for practise, then it should naturally dissipate.

------------------------------copied from wikihow------------------------------------

Then there would be another one, which i think is better methode.

I.Getting started -rules

its important that throughout this little exercise that you try to keep yourself calmed and relaxed , try and keep steady breathing and dont tense up your muscles during any time of the exercise .

steady breathing is basically breathing at a constant pace

-breath in , count to two , breath out , count to two , repeat .

when relaxing , make sure you are laid back . Kind of like how you would be when lying down outside somewhere and just enjoying the calm breeze hit you .be

II. The guide .

1.try to visualize one of the following ( visualization is making an image of something in your mind ) water , fire , electricity , or anything else you can think of . Preferably something you can relate to as energy . try to visualize this element you have chosen inside your body ... Importent: DO NOT fill you body with the element when you visualize , imagine it as it is already inside you , its already their . It help if you try to imagine this energy flowing , EX: water flowing through you instead of staying still , or if you chose lightning have it shock through you . I myself have found lightning worked best when I was first starting

3.continue this process and try to keep the visualization of this energy inside of you flowing for about 30 seconds . try to take more control of how this energy that is flowing , and make all of the visualized energy flow into your dominant hand ( right if right handed , left if left ) . If you don't feel anything prickly in your hand , then
try again with the knowledge that your are trying to trick your body into producing psi , and psi is associated with the nervous system . repeat steps 1-4 until you feel confident in having psi in your hand . Your hand will feel anything like the following . usually just one , maybe two .

-prickly , kind of like when your foot falls asleep
-cold as ever
-like electricity is flowing through your hand

Note that you did not visualize the feeling , it was brought on by your first visualization but you did not try to make yourself feel this in particular... it came on by itself didnt it ?

5.dont lose that energy in your hand now ! try to keep the psi ( yes , this is psi ) in your hand , if it feels like its going out reinforce it by visualizing more of the chosen element energy forming in your stomach ( yes , stomach ) and then have it flow to your hand .

6.this is one of the hardest parts , while juggling to maintain the energy in you dominant hand , you must attempt to repeat steps 1-4 ... but with your non dominant hand . Done correctly you should now feel psi in both of your hands .

7. continue to feed your hands by repeating the visualiztion steps , or visualize the element chosen flowing in your stomach , and slowly bring it up your chest . Cut this energy in half while in you chest ( not the amount , more like a disection ) and send one half to your left hand and then the other to your right hand .

8. the hardest part . You should feel Psi in both your hands now . Place your hands about a foot and a half apart , and slowly bring them together . Palms facing each other , be sure not to lose the psi in your hands while doing this

9.Now another difficult part , when you get to about 5 inches apart from each other while moving the hands together S-L-O-W-L-Y proceed to step 10

( while staying relaxed , you are staying relaxed aren't you ? *someone in audience shamefully raises hand* awww ... back to step 1 with you ! )

10.Now you must attempt to "pour" the psi back and forth , see if you can shift the psi from your left hand to your right hand and vice versa through the 5 inch space .now try to bring psi out of both your and meet in the middle ... focus on controling the psi while its outside of your body and visualize it forming into a ball , or make it form into a ball .



It might help if you visualize a rod in between your hands for transfering psi as this is the hardest part for most people ... bringing psi out of your body ... it may require many tries before you get it right as often times people make the mistake of bringing the just visualization out of their body ... but forget the psi in their hands... in which case you have no psi , just an imaginary ball in your hand ... in which case your a nut...

here is how to check if you have a psi ball .

-you should feel its there , or kind of have an odd feeling that it is there
-the ball will have the same prickly feeling as it did when it was in your hand , you just wont be touching the ball , you will feel the ball being prickly outside of your body ( extremely hard to explain , you will have to try and see for yourself )

-you may move your hand through the psi ball , and it may possibly have a warm feeling to it , as if the air around it is slightly warmer then air not around the ball .

-you can still move the ball around with your mind .

I purposely made a thread entitled "mind excersises" to help with this , search for it and try all of them and then try this again . Mind excersises help indeed .


IV.wrapping up , some footnotes

dont get discouraged if you failed , if you succeded by reading this over and doing it the first time then that is very rare and quite amazing . It just may take a month to get down and as long as you got through step 3 today you are actually in good shape .

you may want to head over to psipogs website and do a search for "charging" in their articles section . charging will definatly help if you had problems such as losing the enregy from your hands or having the psi ball fall apart right after you make it .

A good sign you have progressed is when you become able to not need visualization in order to summon psi . After about 5 months it becomes a part of you . You will be able to lift your hand on your head and think the thought "I want enrgy in this hand" and you will have psi . Psi will become a sixth sense if you give it time , it is not just some cheap parlor trick you can master in a week or two .

--------------------------Copied from unexplained mysteries forum--------------------

Anyone done ? Please tell me if you can do it, and correct me if i wrong~

let's meet again at forsup >,<